Steve Runkle
How I Met Your Podcast Ep 5.23 The Wedding Bride
Ted's on the lookout for baggage regarding the new girl he's been dating and in doing so, finds his own in a newly released blockbuster movie called The Wedding Bride, written by Tony Graffanelo. The movie hilariously recounts the love triangle from Shelter Island....this is a can't miss.
How I Met Your Podcast Ep 6.9 Glitter
It's Robin Sparkles III Ya'lllllllll!!!! Barney unearths and shares an old Canadian kids show Robin starred in. Lily learns Robin had a best friend from those years with whom she grew apart when the friend had a baby. Now that Lily won't stop droning on about trying to have a baby, her friendship is strained with Robin and she fears the worst. And finally, Punchy in Times Square!!!!!